Promotional day Supercomputing for Business

On September 12 at 10:00 a.m. at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, the event Promotional day Supercomputing for Business will take place, which has been organized in collaboration with the Center for Centro de Competencias Nacionales en Supercomputación (EuroCC) and the Digital Innovation Hub de Catalunya (DIH4CAT)

During the informative session, use cases will be presented by companies that benefit from the use of supercomputing as a work tool.

Take part in the event and you will be able to:

  • Get to know the DIH4CAT project and its technological services
  • Get to know the technological scope of supercomputing from the hand of a reference centre such as the BSC.
  • To get to know the capacities and infrastructures of the BSC.

The conference will be divided in two: Dissemination Day an and Dynamization Day. The aim of the Dissemination Day is to make companies aware of national strengths in High Performance Computing (HPC) skills. Case studies of companies using supercomputing as a working tool will be presented. In addition, the DIH4CAT and the Centre de Competències Nacionals en Supercomputació (EuroCC) will show their range of services for companies in the HPC field.

At the Dynamization Conference, participating companies will present their project and analyse their needs and requirements together with other experts. An exercise of projection towards the future will be carried out. What would be the ideal situation? How will supercomputing technologies, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence contribute to the competitiveness of companies? What would business access to these technologies be like? What advances have been achieved following their application to certain sectors or areas of knowledge? And what are the desired impacts?

Attached you can see the program of the event and the link to register